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Pipián (with chilacayote and pork).
- 1 1⁄2 Kg. of pork.
1 1⁄2 Kg. of chilacayote.
50 g of Chile pasilla.
2 pieces of ancho chili.
50 g of sesame seeds.
50 g of raisins.
25 g of almonds.
1 pinch of pepper or 4 whole peppers.
1 pinch of ground cloves or 4 cloves.
1 pinch of cinnamon.
1 pinch of whole cumin.
A piece of tortilla.
A piece of bread.
1 clove of garlic and the equivalent of ground garlic.
1. Cook the meat, when it is already cooked
Let it drain, fry and reserve.
2.Chop the chilacayote into cubes and sew
for 20 min. Drain and reserve.
3. Devein the pasilla chiles and the chiles
anchovies, soak in the meat broth or
in hot water to soften.
4.Toast the sesame seeds.
5.Place a little oil in a frying pan.
6.Fry the almonds and raisins.
7.Fry the tortilla and bread.
8.Grind the ingredients, roast ingredients and
place the other spices.
9.Place a saucepan on the heat, add 2 tablespoons
soups of butter and fry the ground mixture.
10. Grind the chilies and add them to the casserole.
11.When it is well seasoned, add a liter of meat broth, let it boil for 15 min.
12.Add the chilacayotes and meat.
13.Taste for salt.
14.Let it cook for 15 min.
15.Remove from heat
17. Preparation time 1.30 min.
18.PIPIAN, Lupita Style.
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To enhance the natural flavor of food
Due to its yellow-orange color, turmeric can be used as a coloring for rice and meat.
Curry can be used for Easily make an Indian style chicken or lamb marinating sauce, mix yogurt, lime or lemon juice, and garlic.