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Horchata gelatin

Horchata gelatin


With the heat of April, we want to prepare fresh desserts and at TERANA we took on the task of making a gelatin that also included the flavor of the traditionally Mexican horchata to celebrate International Gelatin Day, what do you think?
- 250 g of rice
- 2 liters of water
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 pinch of TERANA ground cinnamon
- 250 g of sugar
- 70 g of gelatin
- 250 ml of water to hydrate the gelatin


1. Prepare the mold and grease it.
2. Boil the rice with the water and cinnamon. When the rice is soft, remove from the heat. Blend, strain and then return to the heat to add the sugar.
3. Meanwhile, hydrate the gelatin. At the first boil, add the gelatin to the previous mixture and stir until the lumps are broken. Remove from the heat, let it cool and pour into the previously greased mold.
4. Refrigerate until set, unmold and decorate by sprinkling TERANA ground cinnamon to taste.

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To enhance the natural flavor of food

Palitos de canela

Cinnamon is the most common spice for making puddings, cakes, muffins, and cookies.


Sprinkle some mozcada walnut on beef, fish or chicken dishes, also on top of whipped cream, custard, custards and puddings.

Substitute table


How to add to food

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